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Merging Duplicate Master Names

When you have duplicate Master Names, you can merge them to create one record.

Josh Lewis avatar
Written by Josh Lewis
Updated over 3 years ago

Note: The ability to merge master data will require you to have the appropriate permissions.

There will be times users create master data that is a duplicate, when this occurs you can match, merge and verify these records to maintain the integrity of the information in your system.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Go to records

  2. To Master Name

3. Go to the little hamburger (on the right) to show filters. This step is not mandatory however, it eliminates other records and you see what names you are working with.

4. If neither entry is Verified choose the entry with the most accurate information and verify this record.

5. 5. Once you have the verified record, you will go in to the unverified name record. At the top of the record you will see a blue circle with possible matches if there are any.hover over that and it will show anything that may match and choose/click on the record that you need to merge. Once you have clicked on the record it will change to matched. Then click on the verify and merge button. It will show the two records you will be merging. Verify the information is correct and click verify and merge. When you ave and close the record you will then only see one record.

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