In 35.2, we added En-Route Timer in Call Types, User Search Component in Solve, and resolved several platform issues. Take a look at the following videos for an enhanced understanding of the features in 35.2.
Please review the full release notes in the link below:
βSOMA Release Notes 35.2
En-Route Timer Feature
Audience: Dispatch
This En-Route Timer will help dispatchers as a visual indicator anytime a unit exceeds the time threshold for an en-route status. The feature uses a new setting in call types in En-Route Intervals. If you have a unit set to the En-Route status, you will have an alert.
Units Activity Log
Audience: Dispatch
The Unit Activity Log is important for dispatchers to relay information when units check-in and out. For this feature, dispatchers must click on the Profile Icon and go to the Check-In and Check-Out activities as events.
Check-In Unit Search
Audience: Dispatch
In the Dispatch Active Call, you can filter based on the Unit's name or number. The unit filter was fixed in the Check-Out module, which will filter based on the characters typed.
Recent Call Screens
Audience: Dispatch
Unit Call Status & Call Monitor
Audience: Dispatch
In the Monitor Calls, dispatchers can now create calls from the unit card and dispatch units to calls.
Navigation Routing to Texas By Default
Audience: Mobile
As a responding Unit, the Navigation Routing will take you to the correct location even though the primary location is unverified and has no coordinates.
User Search Component In Solve
Audience: General
As an investigation officer or detective, when you are in the SOLVE application, you can search for users instead of scrolling down on the list to make your selections in a faster manner.
Face/Line Ups Printing
Audience: General
The Face/Line Ups feature is now printing for photo lineups, comparing with mugshot databases, etc.
Need Permissions For Face/Line Ups
Audience: General
As Admin, this new feature is vital in case your State has laws regarding facial recognition LineUps. Now you can turn them on and off following the configuration below.
*Configuration for Feature.