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Previous Release 35.3
Previous Release 35.3
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 3 years ago

In r35.3 and 35.3.3, we have improved performance across the platform. Releases r35.3 and 35.3.3 impact several areas of the SOMA system, such as DISPATCH, MOBILE, and MOBILE iPhone Operating System (IOS).

Please review the full release notes in the link below:


Using Decimals Numbers in Mileage for Transporting

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, now you can record accurate mileage by entering decimal numbers, and the system will record accurate mileage entry by allowing you to record decimal numbers. The system will no longer round up mileage to the nearest whole number.

Checkout One User (in a 2+ person Unit) Via Command Line

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can efficiently check out a specific user from a 2+ person Unit via Command Line using the command: "cou" and the badge number or employee identification number. This feature allows you to have reliable log records by checking out an officer while leaving the other officer checked in.

More Descriptive Error Message and Error Code

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will obtain more detailed information on the problem that needs to be fixed. The error message and error code will provide more description to identify the cause. This will be a lifesaver since time is very valuable; in a matter of a few seconds, you will be able to convey information to our team and get faster results.

Stack Call (Without Forcing The Call Type)

Audience: Administrators

In the dispatch application, as an Admin, you can stack any call type more efficiently without having to select which call should be stacked or not. Now, all calls can be stacked to save you time during the configuration process.

Stack Call Indicator

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you have the capability to find out if a Unit has stacked calls. This feature allows multiple calls to be stacked to one unit and visible on the Unit Details and Actions section.

Unit Status Command Added -c Flag

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, when you utilize the -c flag in the Command Line to add the unit's activity remarks or comments, this information will be now available as a record in the call comments and the unit's activity log.

Change Stacked Unit Modal

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can change the unit stacked on a call. This feature allows you to choose which unit a call is stacked for by clicking the stacked unit chip and selecting a new unit dropdown.

Stack Call Modal

Audience: Dispatch

In this feature, the call user experience was changed to use the unit card instead of the right-click to stack calls. As a dispatcher, you can monitor stack calls by going over to the unit's card and click the stack call icon; then, you can select the call and see that the call is now stacked for that unit in the undispatched call window.

Monitor Calls - Map Toggle Button

Audience: Dispatchers

We added this feature to the monitor calls. Now, you can turn on and off the map toggle button. As a dispatcher, you can have access from the column view to set the most advantageous monitor layout by utilizing the map toggle button.

Dispatcher Cannot Dispatch The Same Unit Infinite Times

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, the system will notify you if you already dispatched a unit to a call. Thus, you will only get accurate records, avoid re-dispatching the same unit to the same call and utilize time effectively.


Custom Status Icons

Audience: System Users

As a system user, this feature allows you to custom icons during an AVL playback. Now, you can search in the unit search field, and you will get responses as custom icons. For example, they used to be all-solid circles, and now they are different with different colors for each status.


Sort & Filter Dropdown in Matched Records

Audience: System Users

As a system user, you can sort and filter dropdowns and the result page. For example, you can go to a person's vehicle or property. Once you are there, you can click on the bottom of your device's screen. Then you are taken to the attached call record; once you are in the matches area, you can sort by and filter by different data points. For example, you can sort by ascending, descending, full name, age, ethnicity, etc.


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