In r35.4, we have enhanced performance across the platform. Release r35.4 impacts several areas of the SOMA system, such as DISPATCH, MOBILE, RECORDS, SOLVE, and LOCATE. Check it out!
Please review the full release notes in the link below:
Face Line Ups By Fields
Audience: General
In Records, you can select a person from the Master Names section and choose the similarity percentage to obtain different hits based on facial recognition. This feature improves public safety, making it easier to track down burglars, thieves, and trespassers.
Unit Status Locations From UI (User Interface)
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, you can change default information such as an address to a new location on the unit update status dialog. Any status supports a location now. This update will allow you to enter accurate information for data analysis and officers' safety.
Unit Status Locations from Command Line
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, you can change a unit status location from the Command Line. For example, this feature will be helpful if a unit is going back to the station to pick up some paperwork but wants to remain available. This feature will be helpful if you have a short-staffed precinct.
Filter Stacked Call Modal
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, you can now search the stack call modal by unit numbers or names. This update will increase your productibility and performance by letting you utilize your time more efficiently.
Unit Already Dispatched Can't Be Dispatched Again
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, you can now use your time more productively because units that are already dispatched to a call can't be re-dispatched again. However, you can still change the unit's status. Also, this update will be beneficial for dispatch record data analysis.
Location Bypass For Alias Command For -a
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, you can now create an alias for a call from the Command Line utilizing -a and bypassing the geo validation. Also, there can be multiple dashes in the command section. For example, if you want to enter the information regarding a traffic stop. This update will help you to provide a more accurate location and maintain officer safety.
Case Note File Attachments In Solve
Audience: Detectives and Investigators
As a detective or investigator, you can add attachments to a case. You can perform this by opening the case, going to notes, clicking add notes, entering the subject title, and clicking the button labeled "attach file." This feature is beneficial because it allows you to do case management digitally, with all that belongs to a case within the digital case file.
Multiple Units Search AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) Playback
Audience: Dispatchers & First Responders
As dispatchers and First Responders, you have the capability to search multiple AVL units or vehicle numbers or unit numbers. You can perform this task by going to the SOMA LOCATE sidebar, inserting the AVL ID, vehicle number, or unit number, then clicking the magnifying glass. Additionally, you can search multiple AVLs by separating them by a comma or a space. This feature is useful for data analysis and investigations.
Search by different types (AVL, Vehicle, Unit)
Audience: Dispatchers & First Responders
As dispatchers and First Responders, you can search by different types of AVL units, vehicle numbers, or unit numbers. For example, you can achieve this by going to the SOMA LOCATE sidebar, searching by the AVL ID, and then switching to search by a unit number. As a result, the system will display both results on the map. This feature is helpful for investigations and data analysis.
AVL Playback - Live Units On The Map
Audience: Dispatchers & First Responders
As dispatchers and First Responders, you can have displayed live units on the map by refreshing the application, so the locations of any unit updates that occurred during the last three hours are displayed. In addition, you will have the option to change from Live to Historical View by pressing the SOMA LOCATE vehicle icon shown in the sidebar. Then, as updates occur, the updates will display on the map. This feature is beneficial because you can have up-to-date unit location data.