In 36.3, we added more colors to the flag pole feature in Dispatch and improved several key elements in our applications: Dispatch, Mobile, and Solve. Please watch the following videos to explore and understand the highlights in this release.
Please review the full release notes in the link below:
Condensed Comments Flag Pole
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, you can take advantage of our new feature and easily identify and memorize other users with our new flag pole colors. To use this update, you will need to update your description in the terminal section. Then, you need to delete the current setting and save the change to see randomized colors other than the default SOMA blue. This feature will be beneficial when you have a lot of users working on a call, and you need to scan quickly and identify who is joining your call.
Command Line - Cannot Add A Person To A Call Based On Unit Number
Audience: Dispatchers
In SOMA Dispatch, you can use a call number or unit number with the Add a Person (AP) command. This update will help you to be more time-efficient while performing your duties as a dispatcher.
Stacked Call Is Not Refreshing Immediately If Unit Was Dispatched Already
Audience: Dispatchers
In SOMA Dispatch, we improved the feature that allows you to stack or hold calls. This improvement shows in the call column section, and you can see how a call can be stacked or shown on hold to a specific unit. As a dispatcher, you can utilize this improvement to your benefit when priority calls are coming, and you need to prioritize the officer's response.
Update The Cancel User Experience (UX) On Filters
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, you can have a better user experience (UX) due to the user interface (UI) update in the active call filter columns. In addition, this enhancement allows you to notice changes to your filters in a crystalline manner. This upgrade is significant because after you make your changes to your filters and save them, you know you can move on to your next step without going back and reapplying for changes. As a dispatcher, seconds matter, so we are continuously upgrading our applications to help you to provide a faster response.
Dispatch Log Shows No Leading Zero If Dispatch Status Change
Audience: Dispatchers
In the Dispatch application, we made a significant upgrade. As a result, the dispatch log will always show a leading zero for seconds/minutes/hours (i.e., 02 seconds) and is now consistent for all statuses. This enhancement will always allow having consistency in your records while keeping accuracy.
Unable To Create Scheduled Call When "New Call Button Skips Intake Screen" Is Selected
Audience: System Users/Administrators
In Admin, under dispatch settings, you can create scheduled calls whether you use active or monitor calls. You can utilize this through dispatch or mobile; when you create a new call with the button. We made improvements that will allow you to create scheduled calls without any inconvenience. This upgrade will help create schedule calls and plan, for example, if you have any special events requiring this type of action.
Mobile Unit Cannot Update Status If they Are Not Associated To A Group With Permissions
Audience: Officers/Deputies
In the Mobile application, we made a significant upgrade. As a result, you can apply or manage your status without being associated with a group that has that capability. This upgrade will help you to be more self-sufficient and utilize your time more efficiently to respond to calls while keeping an accurate status at all times.
Case List- Filters - Case Name, Date Range, Case Status
Audience: Detectives/Investigators
As a Detective/ Investigator in the SOLVE case management application, you can search cases by case name, date range, and case status. This new search capability will help you increase your productivity while managing and solving your cases.