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Previous Release 38.2
Previous Release 38.2
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

In Release 38.2, SOMA includes updates and highlights to several system areas such as ADMIN, DISPATCH, and MOBILE. Check it out!

Please review the full release notes in the link below:


Add Permission to Mobile for Creating Incident Reports for Active Calls

Audience: System Administrators

As a super admin user, you can allow Mobile users to create incident reports from active calls. This change is made by going into Admin, system admin group, and enabling it by clicking the check box to create an incident report for active call. This feature will help increase your team’s productivity while handling calls.


Add Complainant Phone Number

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will be able to utilize the complainant’s phone number column located on the recent calls table. This feature will allow you to search and filter your information using the complainant’s phone number for a faster response time.

New Call Form - Plate Field

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can add a plate number to your call. This improvement applies when your preferences are set to the “Alternate New Call Form.” Now, you can create a call and drop text into the “Plate Field” and have that plate number displayed on your call’s comments. This refinement will help with officers’ safety so you can include a plate number in your calls.

Call Comments Lower Case

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can apply lower case to your text while entering comments to your calls. This enhancement will allow you to be more accurate while adding text in the Command-Line to maximize your response time.

Priority Dropdown Duplicates

Audience: Dispatchers

In the SOMA Dispatch application, we improved the priority dropdown menu in the recent calls. As a dispatcher, you can select the type of priority for your call in a much more precise way since the priority dropdown will not be duplicated. This enhancement will be helpful for tracking purposes and response time.

Recent Calls View

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, all your recent calls will be displayed on your screen. This upgrade resolved missing calls from the recent calls window, and it will help for tracking purposes and accountability.


Create A Person/Place Record

Audience: Dispatchers/Mobile users

In the SOMA Dispatch and Mobile applications, we added enhancements to the name and place record fields. In the Call Information Panel, you can select “Persons & Place” to add information to your call; however, now you are required to add names to persons and addresses to the place field. This improvement will help with validation and accuracy for your calls.

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