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Previous Release 39.1
Previous Release 39.1
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

In 39.1, we improved requesting units in SOMA Dispatch and added editing capabilities in SOMA Mobile. In addition, we resolved an issue affecting printing records.

Please review the full release notes in the link below:


Request Unit-Move UI Content Elements On Dispatch Pane & Update Dispatch Action Design

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will notice we moved the request unit button to the top right section on the Dispatch Units drawer for easier access if the call doesn't have a Dispatch Plan. If the call does have a Dispatch Plan, Click either the add a unit or the Dispatch Plan button. First, you will see the request unit button has been moved to be displayed in the top right section of the Dispatch Units drawer. Next, you will see the units needed to fulfill the plan below the request unit button to identify them quickly. This update also applies to Monitor Calls. This improvement will help you to dispatch units more effectively.

Request A Unit - Display Number Of Required vs. Fulfilled

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will notice how the dispatched units change in the units icon cards as units are dispatched to fulfill the requirement of the Dispatch Plan. This enhancement is helpful to quickly dispatch the necessary amount of units to assist units in the field successfully. See the example below:

Provide At A Glance Indication Of Unit Status In Add A Unit & Dynamic Update Of Status

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will identify the new border color status added to match the border color status from Monitor. For instance, if you click on the Dispatch application the "add units button" in the suggested unit's drawer, you can notice the calls' color status matches, and they update in real-time. In addition, we moved the status underneath the unit's icon as well you will find the comments underneath the user name. These updates will allow you to handle calls quickly because every minute matters when assessing emergencies.

Request Unit-Move UI Content Elements On Dispatch Pane & Update Dispatch Action Design

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will identify an enhancement in the Dispatch pane, specifically to the add unit/suggest unit drawer styling. We moved the total of the units from the right side of the drawer to follow the group titles such as Suggested Units, and we removed the icons on the left side of the titles. In addition, we updated the "dispatch-all suggested button" to avoid any confusion while utilizing Dispatch Plans, and we also changed the color of the button. These updates will be beneficial to make it easier to use the Dispatch Plan feature to dispatch units to save time quickly.


Add Permission For Editing Unit Capabilities Within Mobile

Audience: Mobile Users

As a Mobile User, you can edit and manage your own capabilities. This update will allow dispatchers to search for your capabilities when they need to dispatch units with specific capabilities/ skills to effectively assist the callers’ needs.

*This requires a configuration. Admin (Permission Group through super admin at the agency level). See below:


Certain Components On Forms That Do Not Print

Audience: General

Records had an issue with some fields in forms, not printing. So now, if you hit the Download/Print button in Records and have a qualification such as veteran/military selected in the form and click the print icon, when the document downloads as a PDF, you will notice the chosen field showing in the form. This update will allow you to print forms with all the accurate information on your documents.

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