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DISPATCH End User Overview Tutorial
DISPATCH End User Overview Tutorial
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

At the end of this overview, you will IDENTIFY the following:

  1. SELECT how to check-in and out of the SOMA platform

  2. RECOGNIZE the different components of the SOMA dashboard

  3. CREATE CAD Calls


  5. ASSIGN and CHANGE the status of units

  6. UPDATE incidents

  7. ASSIGN resources such as tow companies, etc

  8. ASSIGN incident report numbers to units

  9. HANDLE Calls and Unit Alert Checks

  10. CONFIGURE the Monitor Calls Module

  11. MANAGE Recent Calls


    Groups give the permissions for widgets so that each group can have different widgets. Likewise, each group can have different widgets. For example, dispatchers can have a set of widgets, but dispatchers’ supervisors may want to have different widgets.

    In all of SOMA applications we have a HAMBURGER menu:

    The HAMBURGER lets you access other parts of the application. Example below:

    The MAGNIFYING GLASS located at the top of the webpage allows you to search throughout the system.

    You can find the different tools of the system on the top right side of your screen:

    Let’s start with one of the key tools to navigate the SOMA platform. The SOMA SWITCH, this tool allows you to see all the different applications within the system.

    When you click on the SOMA SWITCH, you will see the list of the different applications within the SOMA system:

    Let’s discuss the DISPATCH application:

    After clicking on the Dispatch app, the system will open a new tab to display the Dispatch application. If you have an active call, it will look like this picture below:

    So let’s start by covering the new tools located at the top right corner of the screen:

    The NAVIGATION ARROW will show you the latitude, longitude, and bearing. This tool is more important for mobile users. They probably will need to know where they are during certain times if they have Automatic Vehicle Location activated (AVL) or if you are sharing your location through your browser. It will be red if there is no location turned on in the settings.

    This next icon is the CONNECTION LIGHTNING BOLT. If it is in the color blue, you have a good connection; the yellow color indicates you have a weak connection; the red color will mean no connection. The color difference will be more important for mobile units.

    The CONNECTION LIGHTNING BOLT shows if you are connected and how long users have been connected.

    The next icon is the MESSAGES:

    In the search section, you can search for prior messages. The messages can be searched for the past 7 days. This timeframe is the default time the messages will stay in this area and clicking on older messages shows older messages. searching would show all messages for that search ie me to you. Then, by clicking the pencil, the new message box will open on the bottom left side of your screen.

You can scroll down and find the person you want to message, or you can type their names, and the system will bring their names up so you can click and select those people to message. You can message a person or several people or groups.

*NOTE: messages are tracked, so the Admin staff can find out when and what was said. Messages can be utilized in court, so be conscious of what you type in the messages.

Next, we have the BELL. It is our call and unit activity.

You can enter a call number in the search box and the system will search for it. It will default to the call you are actually on, but you can search for any call. Also, you have an advanced field section for you to search for calls that way as well.

If you click on the Advanced Fields, you can search by Activity Type with any time frame you need. See the below image:

If you click on the Unit Activity, you will be able to search for units' activities and their times. You will also be able to use the Activity Type by clicking the down arrow from the Activity Type field.

In addition, you can print any of the information you search for, by clicking print:

After clicking the print, you will get a download pdf. So by clicking, you will get the report to print:

The next icon is the PROFILE:

The profile allows you to check-in and out and it will show your status. Under the profile, you will find which agency you are working for, and the area that you are covering. If you need to change the area to cover a different area, you can click on the area section as shown below:

After clicking on the area section you will see the option to change your area. Click the down arrow to view the area options:

After you have clicked the down arrow, the system will show you the different areas, so you can choose the area that applies.

Also, you can change your terminal by clicking on the user’s terminal section:

Next, you can click on the HELP & SUPPORT section to communicate with our team if you have any questions.

After clicking the help and support section, the system will prompt you to the Intercom messaging platform, so you can communicate with our team and search for information such as tutorials, release notes, etc.

SOMA Product Releases follow a two-week cadence per stage. This means that coding/development happens for two weeks. Then the update is placed in “staging,” where it then spends two weeks being tested, validated, and documentation is updated. If it passes, it’s moved to “production” and released to customer tenants. It’s a continuous cycle. In some cases, after a new release is pushed out, the administrators have to set those rights to their personnel to take advantage of the improvements.

* NOTE: When you send a message to our team, we will respond to your question within 5 minutes. Our average response time is within 1 minute, as shown in the above image.

Under your profile, you can find the NEW FEATURES notifications:

When you click on the NEW FEATURES section, the system will automatically show you which features are new in the Intercom messaging platform:

Note: After you click on the NEW FEATURES section and the system takes you to those features in Intercom, then SOMA will not show the new features notification because you already saw the changes in the Intercom. See the below:

Let’s continue with the PREFERENCES section. First, click on preferences under the profile icon:

When you click on it, you should get a box like the following example:

You will have different agency settings.

Next is the language button. This button allows you to change the system to display in different languages.

Then, you have the notifications button. This button lets you turn on and off different types of notifications by clicking on a specific button.

Note: Notifications are the snack bar notification that appears at the bottom left. The audible alerts are for dispatch, and mobile audible is for mobile, and it turns off the audible notifications.

The Active Area screen allows users to adjust the areas they wish to see calls and units. For example, yesterday I didn’t work beats 3 and 6, but today I am working those beats but not beats 1 and 2, so I come in and click on 3 and 6 to turn them blue, so they are Active, and click on 1 and 2 to turn them gray since they are not active.

Next, we have the display settings window:

  1. Toggle Display: This is the default setting. Users need to scroll down to the bottom left of the column to click the toggle of a telephone or a unit. Most users prefer changing this setting to the column display.

    Column Display: This shows calls and units in columns.

  2. Tab Records: Clicking on involvement on a call, Records will open up in a new tab in the browser window.

    Popup Records: Records will open up in a pop-up window if accessed from the involvements section.

    Note: The advantage of the new tab is the record will not stop the user from doing other CAD functions. The advantage to the pop-up window is that it is quick access to the record without having to jump up to the tabs.

  3. Default New Call Form: The type of call, priority, and area will be displayed at the top of the new call box.

    Alternate New Call Form: The location and phone number will be displayed at the top of the new call box.

    Note: The alternate form is more popular because units can be sent to a location without knowing what exactly is going on.

  4. Default Checkin: The default setting has a place to update mileage before clicking check-in, as is most popular for sites with the same call sign each shift.

    Alternate Checkin: The alternate check-in box is for mobile users that have different call signs/units each shift. It allows users to pick their Unit, coverage area, mileage, AVL tracking ID, and vehicle number and pick additional users when they are two-person units. Units will also be able to pick any capabilities for themselves, the vehicle, and the other users in the Unit.

  5. Linked Chat Windows: This setting closes the message box on both modules, active and monitor calls when closed on the other.

    Independent Chat Windows: This setting closes the chat only on the module it was closed.

  6. No Local Record Edits: Edits are not saved if the user doesn’t have a connection to the SOMA System.

    Allow Offline Records: Users are able to continue to work on their reports as long as they don't leave the report. Once they get a connection, the system will automatically update when they hit save.

  7. Show Error Messages: This setting allows the user to turn on the error messages. However, some messages will still be seen even though it has been turned off.

    Hide Error Messages: This setting allows the user to turn off the error messages.

  8. Condense Call Comments: This setting allows the user to shrink comments to display less call information. The condensed comment uses a colored flag to indicate the user who entered the comment.

    Expanded Call Comments: This setting allows the user to display more call information in the comment box.

    Following, we have some of the KEYBOARD SETTINGS. You can use these settings as a reference for hotkeys in the system.

Lastly, we have the CHECK-IN and CHECK-OUT options:

Check-in and Check-out are more important in the Mobile application, for example, because Mobile users can add their mileage.

Dispatchers can adjust everyone’s status by clicking on the adjust everyone option:

As a dispatcher, you can adjust your units’ areas in case they are covering a different beat for the day. Click on the down arrow to see all the beats.

Also, dispatchers can adjust themselves by clicking on the adjust myself option, or typing in their unit at the top unit filter section.

In addition, you can export your information with the dates of the check-ins and outs.

Also, after you check yourself out, you need to go to the profile section to check yourself back in.

Note: It is very important as a dispatcher that when you are done with your shift, you don’t just close the browser. You want to make sure you log out so the system knows you are not working anymore. Remember: log out, then close your browser.

Next, let’s cover the “Controls Tools” located in the top middle section of your active call screen. This “Control” tab can be moved around depending on your preference, however, by default will be located on the top center of your screen.

The first button indicates if you are available or unavailable. However, if it shows that you are unavailable, this status will not stop you from doing anything on the system.

The next button is the “TOGGLE CALL ACTIONS BUTTON.”

When you click this button, you get 3 Toggle Call Actions:

  1. This action will CLEAR you from the call.

  2. This action will HOLD the call.

  3. This action will TRANSFER the call.

The “X” will close the Toggle Call Action box. The “X” will close the Toggle Call Action box.

The next button to the far right is the blue phone handle “JOIN/SWAP CALLS”, and the number in the red circle indicates all the calls.

The “RESUME” button allows you to switch from call to call.

The “MERGE” button allows you to merge calls:

The current call will merge into the call they click on Merge. The idea is the user realizes the new call is the same as the existing call, so they merge the new one into the older one.

The “CLEAR” red button allows you to clear the call:

In the “JOIN/SWAP” calls window, we have a filter that allows you to see everyone’s calls or only your calls:

In this the “JOIN/SWAP” call window, you also have the option to click on the “Pending” button and you will obtain the calls that are still being worked by the call takers and are not ready to be dispatched: (Only for agencies with separate call takers and dispatchers)

Next is the “ACTIVE” button, so you will be able to see all the Active calls:

Lastly, you have the “ALL” calls option:

Let’s continue and discuss the “MAP”:

You will see different icons that indicate the type of call on the map. For example, in the example below, the “Glove” icon indicates it is a “Suspicious Person” call:

On the top left of the map, we have the “Map” options:

  1. Zoom-in.

  2. Zoom-out.

  3. Caching of the map (it is suggested to “CACHE” your map at least once per week since addresses can change (Mobile Users).

  4. Turn layers on/off.

Down on the bottom of your screen, you will see additional map controls:

  1. The search button allows you to search by name. For example, Chick-fil-A:

2. The view option will allow you to change from map view to aerial/satellite view and vice versa:

3. The dispatch option lets you go back to the administrator set view.

4. The call option will zoom in to your active call:

Next, let’s discuss RapidSOS:

The dotted blue line shown in the picture below indicates where the cellphone provider says the caller is and where RapidSOS says the caller is.

Users on a call created from a 911 call may see the RapidSOS button, which can be clicked on to get an updated location for the caller from RapidSOS, which is more accurate than the location from the wireless provider, such as AT&T or Verizon. This is because it uses the actual GPS chip from the phone and Wireless way stations the same way Uber and Door Dash do. This button can be clicked for up to 10 minutes after the call ends as RapidSOS checks for an update every 3-5 seconds as long as the phone has moved at least 10 meters or 33 feet.

Creating Calls

We have several ways to create calls; however, we will use the red “NEW CALL” button for this overview:

When users click on the “NEW CALL” button, users may see call shortcuts with the most common call types with icons as designed by the system admin. It is recommended only to add the most common call types and avoid having to scroll.

Note: if you are a dispatcher, you can have displayed approximately 32 call types, but if you are a mobile user, we suggest you use 16 maximum.

For example, to get information about a suspicious person call, just click on the icon.

After clicking the call icon, you will get a screen similar to the below image:

If you don’t see an icon that indicates the call you want to create, you can click the question maker icon for “NEW.” See below:

After you click “NEW” then you can choose the call type you want from the drop-down menu on the following screen:

After you pick the call type, you can start typing the “LOCATION COMMON NAME,” and different locations with your chosen name will show up for you to pick the correct one.

After you pick the call type, you can start typing the “LOCATION COMMON NAME,” and different locations with your chosen name will show up for you to pick the correct one.

Also, notice that the “Call Priority” will be displayed accordingly with the “Call Type.” In this “New Call” window, you can add “Building Name”, “Building Identifier,” “Unit Identifier, and “Narrative.” In addition, you can change the call’s type of priority. See the image below:

Lastly, the user can click the blue “Create” button to create that call.

Now, let’s talk about the top left tabs:

Under Call Info the user can choose the type of call:

By clicking on the Priority button, the user can change the priority level:

The user can change the area, by clicking on the down-arrow under the area section:

Suppose calls are relatively close to each other. You will see the below notification.

Also, users can click on the status button and display how the call came in:

Next, is the section where the call address and phone number are displayed:

Under the call address, you have the location information section. By clicking on the plus sign, this box will expend:

After the location information opens, you will be able to choose the type of hazard at that location by clicking on the down arrow:

After you add the location information you want, you will be able to know that info by clicking on the yellow “i” circle located by your call. Also, after you add that information, it will always be attached to that location for reoccurring calls.

By clicking on the section, the system allows you to change the call’s location, phone number, or add building/units identifiers:

Next, we have the persons & places section:

By clicking on the plus sign, the section will expand for you to enter the information to add the record:

When you start typing the name, if the person is already and the system, you will see the "MATCH" button as shown below:

If you click on the match button the information will expend, but you can always add more information to the record:

As persons & places you can add vehicles and property:

In addition, it is important to mention that information entered by dispatchers is carried on to records, so Mobile users can utilize that information to build their incident reports. i.e., it is very important to label persons as victims, offenders, etc.

Note: The Merged Complainant is used if you have two calls close to each other to merge those calls.

The reference number is used when your agency is switching from your older system into SOMA, so you can connect incidents.

After you select the officer’s name then click on the Create Report button:

When you click on the 3 Nearby Calls button, the system will show you those calls and allow you to merge calls: (This will merge the current call into the other call).

Next, let’s cover the second tab:

Your agency will set "PROCEDURES". See the example below:

The last tab to cover is the Location History tab:

If there are incidents at the same location, it will be displayed under incident reports and past calls, and if you click on those tabs, the system will take you to Records for that call.

Screen Shot 2022-04-07 at 08.55.01

Let’s discuss comments: Comments here are details about the call and what the caller told you. Or what units tell you about a call.

See the example below:

Type your comment, click the blue send arrow or enter, and display your comment in the call history comment section. The following example shows the comments in the expended form:

The following example will show you the comments in condensed form. The flag colors indicate the different users:

If you click on the red bell, any unit attached to that call will be notified: (providing their number has been added and SMS or email notifications have been checked). For example, if there is an officer outside of his vehicle, that officer will be notified via text message by clicking on the red bell.

Dispatch Pane

The dispatch pane is located at the bottom right of your screen. If you have a dispatch plan set up (Admin sets up how many and which units should be dispatched).

It will show as below:

By clicking the Dispatch Plan blue button, the system will indicate how many units are needed to satisfy the dispatch plan:

To attach units to your calls, you can type the unit’s number in the Unit Filter section or click on the units you want to utilize.

You can also dispatch a unit by clicking the +Add Units button:

For example, if you want to dispatch a unit from the list. Go to the unit you want and click on the blue LIGHTNING BOLT:

Then, it will be indicated the unit has been dispatched:

By clicking the clockwise looking icon, you can change the unit’s status:

You can clear that unit from that call by clicking on the red square, then you will get a list with the dispositions for you to choose from:

Next, let's discuss the following 3 collapse trays:

  • The Dispatchers Active collapse tray indicates dispatchers are active.

  • The Units Active button shows the active unit information:

    The yellow shield indicates primary units. If the unit is a backup unit, the shield will be gray in color.

    You can change the unit’s status by clicking on the blue button and the 3 ellipses as shown below:

    By clicking the 3 ellipses, you get the following status change list:

  • The Dispatch Log indicates information about the active call you dispatched.

Next, you can select +Request Units to request a tow service for your call:

After you click on the +Request Units, you can type on the unit filter box: tow. The system will show you the tow services available by rotation:

The white clipboard shown on the above image indicates that the unit has a capability listed. Hover over the image to see the capabilities or use the search field to search for the code.


Note: In the monitor call screen, you can have multiple call or units columns displayed.

Let’s cover the top right buttons under the CALL COLUMN:

  1. Table View:

    To bring back the Column view, you need to click on two bars icon:

  2. Filters:

    The filter tool will allow you to display separate call columns to view different types of calls:

  3. Add New Call List

  4. Mark Call Notification List

    To remove any additional call list column from your screen, click on the (-) minus sign displayed on the call column.

Next, let’s talk about the icons displayed in each call.

The “i” in the yellow circle will show you the NEW call’s information you have not seen yet:

After you click on the yellow circle with the “i”, the system will display the viewed call details by clicking the white call detail icon that looks like a reversed flag:

The next button, the white square will allow you to clear the call:

To clear units off your call, you can choose the blue “clear” button to clear the unit only. The red “clear all” button, will clear the complete call.

If you click on the blue clear button, you will clear a specific unit; however, if you want to clear all the units from the call you should click on the red clear all button.

To create an incident report, you can turn on the blue toggle icon as shown below:

The next button is the GO TO CALL button:

After you join the call, you will see a button that will take you to the call in the active call window:

Now, on the Unit Column, if you click on the UNIT-CARD, it will expand so you can see all the unit’s times regarding that unit’s call:

After displaying the unit’s complete information, you can click on the other unit’s card to minimize the original unit’s card window.

On the unit’s call column, you have these statuses: unavailable, available, on a call, and pending.

On-call units are displayed in yellow, available in green, and unavailable in red:

Now, let’s discuss the On-Call Units box:

  1. Call number, primary unit, call type

  2. Call symbol

  3. Call location or unit location if different such as jail

  4. Unit’s status

  5. Unit’s type symbol

  6. Unit’s call sign

  7. Unit’s area

  8. Unit’s user’s name

  9. Ellipsis helps you to navigate to the unit’s detail and action window

  10. How long the unit has been in that status

    Unit’s detail and action window: Ellipsis helps you to navigate to the unit’s detail and action window.

    • This window indicates the unit’s status with a timer, the number of the call, if the call is stacked, and the unit’s capabilities such as drug test kit, lockout kit, riot, shotgun, etc.

    • The buttons are (from left to right):

      • The shield indicates the unit is a primary or backup, if the color is yellow it is a primary unit, if the shield is color white, the unit is a backup unit.

      • The eyeball icon centers the unit on the map to see where the unit is located.

      • The two arrows are the swap button. So you can swap units/calls if you need to. The unit column will have the same arrows as the other units and clicking on the unit will bring up the swap box.

      • The target symbol helps you see the unit’s assignment and adjusted the assignment when the unit is not on a call.

      • The white bolt allows you to dispatch the unit by clicking on the call from the list to assign the unit.

      • The stacked boxes icons let you stack calls.

      • The clock icon is for changing the unit’s status.

      • The white square is to clear the unit from the call.

      Creating a call from the MAP:

      Right-click on the location you need on the map and hit create.

      Note: you can use the coordinates ( latitude and longitude) to provide the exact location to US Coast Guard personnel, landing zones for helicopters, or other rescue teams if needed.

    Recent Calls

    First, go to your hamburger menu:

Then, select RECENT CALLS from the list:

Your RECENT CALLS window will open up:

When you are in the Recent Calls, you can choose the call “from” date and call “to” date. You can click on the calendar by the dates section to get the calendar and choose the dates you need.

Note: By default, there are the last 48 hours of calls without having to search, and they only see the first 25 calls before clicking on the three dots at the bottom of the screen to add the next 25 until they see all of the calls.

After you entered the call dates, you will get a list displaying calls during the date range you entered:

You can choose any call from that window. Now, let’s discuss the actions buttons that are displayed after each call.

1. Reopens the call in the active calls window

2. Call Quick View-condensed view of the call. Great way to see units times.

3. View Incident Reports-directs to Incident report in SOMA Records if report already exists or user can create one via the pop-up box.

4. View Call Record-directs to see the complete call in SOMA Records.


Go to the HAMBURGER:

Select terminals from the list:

Then, select if you want the terminal to be a call-taker, a dispatcher, or both by clicking on the buttons shown below:

Note: at the minimum, your personnel must be assigned as dispatchers, so they receive the call/unit timers. A call taker is only required if they use the pending setting to keep calls in Pending to complete the call-taking progress before being dispatched.



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