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Previous Release 40.1
Previous Release 40.1
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

In release 40.1, SOMA added enhancement to the DISPATCH and MOBILE applications. Check out the videos in this article to understand these new developments.

Please review the full release notes in the link below:


Monitor - Calls Column Should Not Have Side Scroll Bar

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will notice that you don’t have the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of your screen when you have several units in a call card. This improvement will allow you to see all the units within the call card without using a scroll bar so that you can handle calls expeditiously.

Monitor Call - Table View Blanks Out When Clearing A Call On Another Screen

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will identify improvements in monitor call view when clearing or updating call status from another screen. For example, users were experiencing issues when clearing and updating calls while having the tables expanded. Now, you can clear and update calls in the monitor call view from another screen without losing any call information necessary to handle your calls.

Link To Call Record In MJ Call

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will be able to obtain records from multi-jurisdictional calls that were not available before this development. Also, if you are in a different tenant and you want to bring the call information, you can navigate to recent calls, and you will be able to get the liked information. This improvement will be helpful when communicating with other agencies.

Active Call - Update The Dispatch Required Chip

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can take advantage of the new design plan with the capabilities features. Capabilities will be added to dispatch plans soon, so we updated the chip required to make those changes. For example, in some cases, as a dispatcher, you have enough units on the scene, but you need a unit with a certain capability required to handle the call successfully. So, now with this chip update, you will be able to fulfill the dispatch plan, including units with the needed capabilities for a better response.

Performing Set Primary (SP) For Shared Tenant Unit - Separate Tenant

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, SOMA added multi-jurisdictional capabilities to the set primary feature. So, you can dispatch from an agency call center and utilize another agency's units, including setting another agency's unit as the primary unit. This upgrade will be beneficial to manage calls through multiple jurisdictions.

Performing Swap Unit Shared Tenant Unit - Separate Tenant

Audience: Dispatchers

As a Mobile user, you will see that the Emergency Button is now displaying on your screen and is accessible to you at all times. We fixed an issue where the button was hidden at the following times. If you do a hub search, open your sidebar, have snack bar items coming in, or even shrink your screen or navigate to recent calls, you can still see the Emergency Button displayed at the bottom right corner of your screen. This upgrade is beneficial for officer safety reasons.


Emergency Button Is Not Always Accessible

Audience: Mobile Users

As a Mobile user, you will see that the Emergency Button is now playing on your screen, and it is accessible to you at all times. So, for instance, if you do a hub search, open your sidebar, have snack bar items coming in, or even shrink your screen or navigate to recent calls, you can still see the Emergency Button displayed at the bottom right corner of your screen. This upgrade is beneficial for officer safety reasons.

Comments Not Showing in View Call Tray If You Have Condense Comments

Audience: Mobile Users

As Mobile User, you now get all the comments in the call drawer's condensed and expanded view. This improvement will ensure you can always see the call information you need to handle the calls more effectively.

*This requires admin permission through a superuser at the agency level. Please see the image below:

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