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Previous Release 40.2
Previous Release 40.2
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

In 40.2, SOMA made improvements to the Dispatch and Mobile applications. Also, we updated how to verify the system version. Check out the videos below to review the highlights of this release.

Please review the full release notes in the link below:


Monitor-Unit Filter Field Blanks Screen if Unit/User has Capabilities w/No Abbreviation

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher using the monitor view, you can filter from the dispatch pane without getting a black box when using the active calls window, even though you have no capabilities' abbreviations entered before any updates in the system. This update will allow you to handle your calls faster without looking for the information on different screens.

Monitor-Table View Not Refreshing To Show Unit Stacked If Unit Is Dispatched Current Call

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher working on monitor view, you can notice the stacked calls immediately. Previously, there was an issue updating the stack calls in the table view when the table rows were opened. This improvement will allow you to identify any stack call in either view for a faster response.

Unknown Command Error When Creating New Call

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can create a new call via the command line using only the call type code such as 1088 and hitting enter. This improvement will be beneficial because you can quickly navigate and take actions that save lives by entering your site's call type code in the command line.

Command Line - Hide/Showmap Commands No Longer Working

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can type Hidemap and Showmap in the command line to turn on and off the map on the Monitor view. This fix will make it quicker to control the map while handling calls.

Creating Incident Report Via Command Line For Shared Tenant User - Separate Tenant

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can create an incident report from the command line for a unit from another tenant, so any shared tenant user can issue those types of incident reports. This enhancement is beneficial as a multi-jurisdictional capability to increase the effectiveness of agencies' joined efforts.

Allowing Stacking Multiple Units To A Call

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can stack multiple units on a call. This update allows you to handle calls more effectively and productively by dispatching more workforce when needed.

Reset Suggested Units List If Call Type Changes

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will see the suggested units updates if the call type changes while using dispatch plans. This improvement will be beneficial when you have unique scenarios requiring a different call handling approach.

Command Line - Add Shadow Examples For VSC, ASC, CSC Commands

Audience: Dispatchers

In dispatch, we added shadow examples under the command line box. As you enter the command in the command line field, you will see its example in shadow. This change is important because you will know the format without accessing the info screen to save time while performing your duty.


Viewing Location History Incident Reports Across Shared Tenants - Separate Tenant

Audience: Dispatchers and Mobile Users

As a dispatcher or Mobile user, you can view all incident reports to a location across tenants. So, for example, if you work for the agency "A: and want to check an incident report location history originated by agency "B," you can display the call location history in Dispatch or Mobile. However, you can only open the Location History and Incident Report History from your own agency. This update will allow you to know call location history to help you handle and respond to calls.

Update Area Dropdown For Separate Tenants In Dispatch & Mobile - New Call Screen

Audience: Dispatchers and Mobile Users

As a dispatcher and Mobile user, you can update the area field in the new call form quicker now that we have organized the areas by service type and agency, followed by alphabetical order. This update will help you navigate the system easier while supporting multiple tenants.

Query & Display Incident Reports For Separate Service Types

Audience: Dispatchers and Mobile Users

As a dispatcher or Mobile User, you can view AND NAVIGATE TO incident reports for other service types such as Fire or EMS when they are dispatched on the same call. This improvement will allow you to handle various service-type calls more effectively and efficiently.


Show Version on Login

Audience: All System Users

All users can now see what version their system is running on the sign-in screen under the red LOGIN box. It is replacing the Stable wording currently being used. This improvement will benefit all users as they can refer to the corresponding release notes.

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