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DISPATCH - Creating New Call
DISPATCH - Creating New Call
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

Calls can be created from either the active or monitor calls screens using different methods.

The first method is using the red New Call button located at the top left of the screen. Using this button can result in two different methods of call entry depending on which setting the administrator has chosen.

If they have chosen to skip the new call intake screen, the system will go directly to the active call screen and be ready for dispatch immediately. This mimics the action of a 911 call. If they are not skipping the screen, the admin can set up tile shortcuts of the more common calls to click on the correct tile or click the generic New tile.

The system will change the intake screen to fill in the remaining call information, such as incident location and caller information. Users can change their preference to use either the default or the alternate call intake form. The difference between the two is the call type being first on the default and location being first on the alternate.

The second way to create a call is by right-clicking on the map at a location to create a call from the location box. Users can hit create call at the bottom of the box to start a call with the system providing the closest address or the coordinates if there isn't a valid address close enough.

Another way is to use a unit to create a call from the Monitor Calls module.

Use the hamburger at the top left of the screen to click on Monitor Calls. Next, click on the three dots on the right side of the unit's card in the Units column. Click on the lighting bolt which is used to dispatch unit in this menu to bring up a list of all of the current calls and use the option at the top of the list "Create New Call & Add Unit."

The last method is through the command line, which will be covered in a later tutorial.


Next, let’s discuss the Call Taking Form in detail. See the example below:

Incident Type

Select the incident type by using the drop-down list or by typing the type of call and clicking on the type to select it.


The priority of the call can be changed as needed by clicking in the field and selecting the desired priority.


The location can be an address, intersection, or a commonplace name.

An intersection can be entered using either / or &. Spaces and street types do not need to be used. Coordinates are entered using @ with the Latitude, which is the positive number, a slash “/” followed by the longitude which is the negative number.

Decimal Degrees:@28.0284390/-82.7693570

Degree Minutes: @28 1.70634/-82 46.16142 or DMS: @28 01 42.3804/-82 46 09.6852.

Users can hover over the “?” that will appear once the @ is entered to see the proper format.

Commonplace names will populate with the phone number, if available, and the rest of the address. This is dependent on the agency’s GIS loading the commonplace name file into the map layers.

The building name and ID fields can be used in situations like a large apartment complex with a building name or other ID such as a letter. The unit ID in the address can be used for an apartment, lot, suite, or area such as the garden area of a large box store.

The area will be decided by the system providing area calculation has been configured. The user may change the area by clicking on the desired area.

The complaint's name and phone number can be entered and placed in the caller's information. Depending on the admin setting, the name might be automatically be placed in the persons & places field as the complainant, which can be changed to the victim, offender, or witness as needed.

Additional information about the call can be placed in the narrative or comments fields as necessary to document the call or provide information to other users.

The second way to create a call is by right-clicking on the map at a location to create a call from the location box. Users can hit create call at the bottom of the box to start a call with the system providing the closest address or the coordinates if there isn't a valid address close enough.

Another way is to use a unit to create a call from the Monitor Calls module. Use the hamburger at the top left of the screen to click on Monitor Calls. Next, click on the three dots on the right side of a unit's card in the Units column. Click on the lighting bolt which is used to dispatch unit in this menu to bring up a list of all of the current calls and use the option at the top of the list "Create New Call & Dispatch Unit."

The last method is through the command line, which will be covered in a later tutorial.

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