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DISPATCH - Active Calls Overview
DISPATCH - Active Calls Overview
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

Use the SOMA Switch at the top right to click on Dispatch/Mobile if needed. Let’s start with a tour of the window.

The top is the same as Hub with the addition of the activity bell, as discussed in a prior video. The search tool with the magnifying glass icon will be covered.

Users can add a command line by using the backslash on the keyboard and close it by using the control and backslash.Users can choose to have multiple command lines. We're also going to cover the command line in a different tutorial..

The controls window shows no active calls as a dispatcher when users are not on a call. Users can change their availability from within the window so others can see if the user is ready for calls.

The blue telephone with dots icon is our join/swap calls button and can be used to see and/or join a new call or swap to another call.

For sites with separate call takers and dispatchers, users may see a selection for pending, active, or all depending on their admin setup “Pending Call” allows the call taker to work on the call until they decide it has enough information to send to a dispatcher so it stays in pending until they hit the “Dispatch Call” button.

Dispatchers would select Active Calls so only the calls ready for dispatch would be seen.There is a toggle between “Your Calls” and “Everyone’s Calls” to see only the calls each dispatcher has access to or all calls so all dispatchers calls can be seen.

Clicking on resume will open the selected call into the active calls window.

The Call Info pane is on the left side of the screen, and it has three tabs: call info, procedures, and location history.

The middle of the screen has the Controls tabs and under that, the map.

The right side of the screen will have the Comments tab where all the comments/narratives can be seen. Below that is the dispatch tab.

The dispatch window is where units can be dispatched to the call and a list of all dispatchers and units on the call can be seen. This will expand when the area is clicked.

The Dispatchers Active area is for viewing only, while the Units Active area can be used to view or change their status, change the primary unit or clear the unit from the call.

The dispatch log has the times for each unit that was on the call at any time.

Users can adjust the size and move tabs around the screen as desired. Resize by moving the mouse to the top or side of the pane that needs resizing until you get arrows and click and drag to make it bigger or smaller. Users can lock their layout to their desired setup by going to the profile icon at the top right and selecting “Layout Unlocked”. Users can click on this setting again to unlock the layout. If users want to go back to the default layout, they can use the “Reset Layout” at any time.

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