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Previous Release 44.1
Previous Release 44.1
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

In 44.1, SOMA added new enhancements to the Dispatch and Mobile applications. Review the videos below to find out how the latest highlights work.

Please review the full release notes in the link below:


Active Call - Make Vehicle Info A Golden Layout Component

Audience: Dispatchers

You can make vehicles part of your layout in active calls as a dispatcher. To do that, you need to go to preferences and have the new active call layout selected in the display settings dialogue box. After selecting the new active call layout, the vehicle type tab in your active call window will be displayed on your screen. Also, you can still add as much information as you want for a vehicle or delete it. In addition, you can move the vehicle tab anywhere you want. This improvement will allow you to customize your display and make it as prominent or not as you want on active calls to handle your calls more efficiently.

Active Call - Make Location & Person Info A Golden Layout Component

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can have the location information and the persons & places on their own tabs in active calls. To do that, you need to go to preferences and have the new active call layout selected in the display settings dialogue box. After selecting the new active call layout for the first time, you will need to go back to your profile icon and select reset layout from the dropdown menu to see the changes on your screen. Also, the location information and the persons & places tabs can be moved anywhere to customize your display for a much more efficient user experience.

Active Call - List Capability Requirements Based On Dispatch Plan

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can have the list of capabilities requirements displayed on the dispatch plan. For example, if we create a call that requires two units with two different capabilities. You will notice the suggested units will be shown in the dispatch units sections. When you dispatch them and switch over the view call tray for the call, on the dispatch tab, the application will let you know if the dispatch plan is satisfied or not, accordingly to the capabilities needed for the call. This upgrade will allow you to dispatch first responders with specific capabilities to meet the call's needs.

Active Call - Unit Status Timer Isn't Ending When Unit Is Cleared From The Call

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will notice that the unit log timers provide accurate information, such as when the unit is cleared from the call. Also, it will indicate when a unit was reinserted, dispatched, and on hold. This improvement is beneficial because the call records will provide accurate information for internal and external reports, data analysis, etc.

Command Line - DM Command Not Working With Terminal ID Parameter

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can use the command line to send direct messages through the application in a single tenant or a multi-jurisdictional agency when the user is only in one agency. This functionality does not apply to users in multiple agencies. This improvement is helpful so you can communicate with your team members faster to obtain quicker responses.

Command Line - Honoring In-Quarters/Relocating Statuses

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you will notice that two new statuses were added to the command line under “unit status”: IQ for In-Quarters and RL for Relocating. This upgrade will allow you to change units’ statuses for In-Quarters and Relocating much faster by using the command line, giving you flexibility while simultaneously working a single call or multiple calls.

Include In-Quarters From Suggestions/Exclude Relocating Units

Audience: Dispatchers

When handling a call that follows a dispatch plan, the status In-Quarters will be included in the dispatch plan unit suggestion. In contrast, the status Relocating will be excluded from the dispatch plan rotation. As a dispatcher, this upgrade will be helpful because it will optimize the response time from units that are out in the field. For example, if a unit is Relocating, that unit will be skipped, so your dispatch plan will be more effective by automatically assigning the next available unit to the call.

Units Aren't Rotating Based On Activity-No Route/Rotation & Non-Rotation-Capabilities

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, you can now benefit from the dispatch plans & rotations that require unit types or capabilities. You must ensure that the Admin group sets permissions and that unit assignments are in the correct area. This improvement will allow you to apply efficient coordination to handle your calls while providing the resources needed for each call.

*This requires permission through Admin at the agency level. See the example image below:

If In-Quarters, Set Location To Base Location

Audience: Dispatchers

As a dispatcher, if you change the units' status to In-Quarters, then the units' Home Base Location will be displayed on the Unit card in Monitor if a Home Base Location was previously set in Admin. This enhancement is helpful because you can see the units' locations on the unit cards in the monitor view for a more effective coordination process.


Add ability to set sub status to In-Quarters/Relocating in Mobile

Audience: Mobile Users

You can set sub statuses to In-Quarters while Relocating as a mobile user. Previously, you could change your unit’s status only from available to unavailable or from unavailable to available. However, we added a new dialogue box to include two more options: In-Quarters and Relocating. Also, you can include a status comment in the status change dialogue box. This upgrade is helpful because you can save time by changing your unit’s status and adding comments as needed.

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