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DISPATCH - Command Line - Call Commands
DISPATCH - Command Line - Call Commands
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over a year ago

Users can use either our default commands or use any Aliases their agency may have created to match their current commands. Users should use the Command-Line Dispatch Cheat Sheet that contains all of the commands, including the aliases with the description and example found in the documents located at the end of this article.

It is important to remember that the command type comes first, followed by the call or unit number.

The command line will remember the last call it was used for, indicated by the white number to the left of the command. Users can use a period in place of the call number if they use a command for the same call.

The first command is for adding comments to a call using CC as the command, followed by the last two digits of the call number to enter a comment. For example, CC Call # this is a comment. Users can also use the unit number instead of the call number to indicate in the comments that a unit provided the information to the Dispatcher. For example, CC Unit# is a unit comment which will be indicated in the comments by Unit #: and the comment.

The next commands are used to see a call in the Active calls module. The command of JC is used to join a call while on the Active Calls module. For example, JC Call#

The command of VC is used to View Call to open and then close the call information pane on the monitor calls module, I.E., VC 6 to open, and just VC to close.

The following commands are used to clear a call and/or units, either for just clearing the call from the Active Calls Module or closing the call at the conclusion of the call.

The command of CT clears the call from Active Call Module, but users must enter a disposition code. CT 6 NR

Calls might need to be rerouted to a different area, and the RR command will change the area of the call to the correct area, such as RR Call # AREA. This command is important for large agencies where a dispatcher only handles certain areas and another dispatcher handles a different area.

Users might need to change or add information such as a phone number or the call type. They can use the command of XC to Update the Call with the proper subcommand following a dash such as XC Call# -a 1907 E Victory Dr.

-A changes the address, -T changes the call type, -P changes the phone number, -J changes the area, -R changes the Priority, and -S changes the call source. Users changing the source must use the proper code listed on the QRC, such as RA for Radio.

Users can add a vehicle into the Vehicle Involvement field on a call by using the command of AV such as AV Call# or Unit# State Abbreviation such as FL License Plate and any other vehicle information. The information will be displayed in the Vehicle involvements section of the call.

Users can add a person by using the AP command. Users can add a name followed by additional information using a subcommand following a dash. The subcommands are DOB for Date of birth, G for gender, DL for driver's license number, SSN for social security number, or R for a race. AP 6 -DL 12345678. If using SOMA Records, It's very important to assign the type of victim or offender to help the mobile users complete their reports after adding a person.

Users can create an Incident Number by using the IR command followed by the unit number so IR Unit#. Multiple Incident Numbers can be added to the same call or unit.

This video has covered the basic call commands. We will cover more advanced commands as we progress through the course.

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