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DISPATCH - Display Settings
DISPATCH - Display Settings
Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over 2 years ago

Toggle Display vs. Column Display

In order to get to the Display Settings, you need to: 1) Click on the SOMA Switch, 2) click on Preferences, 3) click on Display Settings, 4) click on Toggle Display or Column Display if you want to choose either or.

The first setting controls the look of the monitor layout. Go to the hamburger and switch to Monitor Calls to see how the Toggle Display versus Column Display affects the screen.

The default is the Toggle Display, which only shows calls or units and has to be switched manually by clicking on the squad car or telephone icon at the bottom of the column.

Most users prefer changing this setting to the Column Display, so there are separate columns for calls and units. In addition, multiple columns of calls and units can be opened depending on available real estate.

Tab Records vs. Popup Records

The second setting changes how SOMA Records returns appear; either in a new tab or as a pop-up window when accessing the record from the involvements on a Call. Do you want the name record to open a new tab on the browser or just pop up on the Dispatch screen?

The advantage to the Tab Records setting is the record will not stop the user from doing other CAD functions.

The advantage to Popup Records is that it is quick access to the record without having to jump up to the tabs. If Popup Records is used, you will have to go to the bottom right of the screen and click on the Close link to close out the window or press the ESC key.

Default New Call Form vs. Alternate New Call Form

The next setting changes the New Call form/dialog that displays when creating a new call. This setting doesn't apply if your agency has chosen to skip the form. The main difference between the call forms is the position of the call type and location fields.

Most people prefer the alternate one since the location is at the top. Click the red “New Call” button, and if your agency has set up shortcuts for the most popular call types, users will see shortcut tiles for the calls and also a “New” tile with a ‘?” for all other call types.

In the Default New Call Form setting, Click “New Call,” and the “New” call and the incident type is at the top, so after picking the type, users will need to tab down and put the call location in the Location Common Name field and not the address field. The alternate form is more popular because units can be sent to a location without knowing what exactly is going on.

Default Checkin vs. Alternate Checkin

The following setting is the Default Checkin or Alternate Checkin. The default setting has a place to update mileage before clicking Check-In and is most popular for sites where users have the same call sign each shift.

Users can also select check-in or check-out and then “adjust everyone” to adjust the check in/check out state for other users.

The Alternate check in should be used for Mobile users that have different call signs/units each shift. This allows the user to pick their unit, coverage area, mileage, AVL Tracking ID, Vehicle Number and pick Additional Users when they are a two person unit. Units will also be able to pick any Capabilities for themselves, the vehicle and the other users in the Unit.

Linked Chat Windows vs. Independent Chat Windows

This setting will open linked or independent chat windows between Active and Monitor Calls modules. Linked messages show the message box on both modules, and if the message is closed on Active Calls, the box on Monitor Calls will automatically close also. Independent messages are different for both modules, and closing on one module doesn’t close the message on the other module. Users can also have different messages on both modules if needed.

No Local record Edits vs. Allow Online Records

The next setting is local or offline records. This is when you don't have a connection to the SOMA System, so no local edits are allowed; offline records mean users will not be able to do anything in SOMA records when there isn't a connection. The other option allows offline records which means users can continue to work on their report as long as they don't leave the report. Once they get a connection, the system will automatically update when they hit save.

Show Error Messages vs. Hide Error Messages

The second to last setting is showing or hiding error messages. Users can turn off the SOMA system's messages when it can't process a request. For example, a user tries to join a call, but they aren't checked in.

Condensed Call Comments vs. Expanded Call Comments

The last setting is condensed call comments or expanded call comments. In the example shown below, you will notice that the text is displayed in a more compressed fashion; however, in the expanded call comments example, more contextual details are provided about the commenters.

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