In release 47.1, SOMA adds value to our Dispatch application. Check out the videos below to check out the highlights of this release.
Please review the full release notes in the link below:
Monitor-New Call Information Alert Icon Is Not Updating In Real Time If Comments Are Added
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, you can see the new call information yellow alert icon shows up when comments are added to the call in real-time in table and column view. This improvement is beneficial as you dispatch your calls. For example, suppose another team member posts new information regarding your call. In that case, you have the latest call information to safely and effectively handle your calls by keeping your Mobile users updated.
Scheduled Call-Update New Scheduled Call Form To Place Focus On Scheduled Date/Time field
Audience: Dispatchers
You can create and update a scheduled call faster as a dispatcher because the call date/time field is now located at the top of the New Call Form box. This update is helpful because you can use your time more effectively and complete the scheduled call form without having to tab through all the other fields.
Mark Call Update As Seen, Notification When A New Comment Posted
Audience: Dispatchers
As a dispatcher, a fix was implemented to ensure that you will see new call notification icons in the Call column or table view when updates are made to calls, such as comments being added. Additionally a fix was implemented, so that the Mark Call Notifications as Seen functionality will now clear these column/table view new call information notifications. These fixes are helpful because you will now be able to more effectively identify and clear new call information notifications.
Active Call - Area Calc Fails Within Linked Agencies when Same Agency Type
Audience: Dispatchers
(No video)
Within multi-jurisdiction scenarios where there is more than one agency with the same service type (LAW, EMS, or FIRE), the area automatic calculation for Active Call should now resolve to the correct area and agency where the incident is originating from.