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Alan Braswell avatar
Written by Alan Braswell
Updated over a year ago

In the Active Call window, you can move the tabs around depending on your preference:

Let’s go over each tab and their functionality:

  1. Call Info Tab: If you want to adjust the Call Type, click on the dropdown arrow to select the Call Type that you want.

Or you can type the Call Type that you need, and it will be displayed for you to select it, and it will change the information to your new Call Type:

2. Call Priority: If you want to adjust the Call Priority, click on the dropdown arrow to select the Call Priority that you need. The Call Priorities are right next to your Call Types. Call types will have a default priority; however, you can adjust them as needed depending on the situation.

3. Areas: Areas can also be accessed by clicking on the dropdown arrow to select the correct area in case you need to adjust it.

Note: There is a feature called “Auto Area Calculation,” which will look at the geographic information systems (GIS) layer and where it is configured, so the Auto Area Calc will calculate in which area that call belongs, and it will be selected automatically.

4. Call Source: This is how the Call originated. As a Dispatcher, you can manually change it.

5. Call and Caller Phone Number:

Information you entered in these sections will not originate from Master Records.

Note: these fields only display if the “Stop Automatic Name Record Creation” setting is enabled within the Dispatch Settings admin

6. Primary Location:

This is where the Call for service is at, the actual location of the incident.

If you click on it, it will open up and display the Primary Location and the address information. If you need to change that info, as you start typing (Common name or an address), the system will Geo validate the new address information:

You can Close Address Edit or copy that info into the Caller Location section.

If you click on the Caller Location, it will open up and display the Caller Location information. Also, this can be edited and copied into the Primary Location section.

7. Location Information:

Click on the + sign to open up the section.

Each agency controls those options. For example, if you have alarm code access, you can select it from the dropdown menu and enter the code. The code you enter will also be shown in the Mobile application under that Call.

8. Person and Places:

In this section, you can add a Person involvement to the Call For Service. The information entered here will be tied to the Master Names records and will automatically search to see if there are any matches for that individual in the system.

When you enter the name, you can click the “Matches” blue button and see the records listed for that individual. If there is one record that matches your person by clicking on that record, the information will populate for your Call.

Once the person is shown on your Call, by clicking the Type dropdown menu, you can define the Type of involvement:

If you select, Victim or Offender, you will be automatically creating an Incident report with that information. Any other Type will still show up in the incident under other involvement in the incident report.

9. Vehicles:

You can add a Vehicle, which will be the same process as explained above with the Persons and Places section.

10. Property:

The most common time to use the Property section is when you need to enter a stolen property, for example, something very expensive.

Note: If you click on each section after you have entered the information. The system will take you to the Master records in a new window.

For example, let’s click on Persons & Places. You can see below that the system opens it in the Master Name Records.

11. Linked Incident Report:

Click on the Reporting Officer dropdown menu to choose the Reporting Officer in charge of the Incident Report. After selecting the Reporting Officer, click the Create Report blue button.

After you select who will be responsible for the incident report, the system will automatically include the responding officers to complete their part in the report.

Note: By clicking on the Incident Report, you can see the Incident report created in Records.

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