Verified Name / Vehicle / Property Records
The SOMA Platform provides the ability for users with granted permissions to mark Master Records as Verified. A ‘Verified’ record is one in which the data contained within that record has been determined to be accurate. This ability to mark a record as verified is typically assigned to those functions that have responsibility for ensuring Master Records are valid people/places, vehicles, and property. Some examples of functions that perform these tasks include the Records Department, Jail Booking or Classification, and Property & Evidence. They are often also tasked with merging duplicate records that get created by users.
Having Master records verified:
Makes it easier for Normal Users to identify and select a ‘good’ (Verified) Master Record instead of a duplicate record that may have incorrect or incomplete data.
Makes it easier for those functions responsible for removing duplicate records to identify, review, and merge the records.
This guide has two parts. Part A explains the process to only verify a record. Part B explains the process to verify and merge a duplicate record.
Please see the following links for additional details.
A. Step-by-Step Guide To Verifying A Master Record
Go to Records -> Master Data -> and Names, Vehicles or Property.
In the table view, check to see if the Verified column is displayed.If not, select the menu hamburger on the right and make sure to select the Verified Column so you can see it. This will then display the Verified column in the table view.
If not, select the menu hamburger on the right and make sure to select the Verified Column so you can see it. This will then display the Verified column in the table view.
Select a record that is not verified and open that record up. On the right side you will see the text ‘Unverified - Verify Now’.
Clicking on ‘Verify Now’ will open a modal window. This window allows the user to confirm data on that record. The user can then cancel or click the Verify button.
After clicking the Verify button, the user is taken back to the record itself. Notice on the right side of the page that the record is verified. IMPORTANT - The user must click on ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Close’ in order for the verification to be permanent.
Back on the table view page, you will see that record is verified in the Verified column.
B. Step-by-Step Guide To Verifying And Merging A Duplicate Record
When creating a record, it is possible to create a record that may be a duplicate (triplicate, etc.) of an existing record. This is the process to verify and merge these duplicate records into an existing, verified, record. Please Note - in order to merge a record, there must be a Verified record to merge into.
From the table view, select the unverified record you want to examine.
On the record page, you can see there is one possible match to an existing verified record. Note - if there is more than one record, those will be displayed as well. From this page, a user can click on ‘Verify Now’ and verify this record as a new record. Or they can review the potential matching record(s) to see if they’d like to merge them.
Hovering over the Match icon will display a small popup of the record.
Clicking on the popup will open the record that is a potential match. Notice that the record displays as unverified.
Click on ‘Verify Now’. A modal window opens that displays the master name to be merged into. Users have the option of canceling, verifying as a new record, or verifying and merging with the master record. Click on ‘Verify and Merge’.
The record is now merged with the existing master record. Remember to click Save. The table view should now reflect one record.